October 2024

A Tight Five Hours selected for two festivals!

Hugo and Clay Productions are delighted to announce that the short documentary, A Tight Five Hours, based on my own experiences as a queer stammering comic, is not just been selected for the SQIFF (Scottish Queer International Film Festival) opening night at the GFT (eek!) on October 2024, but also was selected for the Minority Film Festival in New York 2024 and now the Wine Dark Festival in October 2024!

Tight Five was partly funded through winning £250 SQIFF pitching competition funded by the National Lottery, and created with SQIFF network members kindly donating their time. Features collaborations from fellow performers living with conditions and who are also queer allies, plus live footage of my - er -brain, the film documents the journey that performers can face when they have barriers due to disability and diversity.

The short fifteen minute film has now been submitted to fourteen more festivals. Keep your fingers crossed!